Wildlife Rehab

Snuggle Buns

Bunny family photo.

A bunny family photo


Like Mother Like Daughter

Momma and baby bun.

Like mother, like daugher. These two buns are working away on some kale.


Possum Escape

Possum escape attempt

This little guy was not happy with being caught and put in a box. But it's hard to be happy about anything if you're a tiny orphaned possum. One day he'll be big and strong enough to go back out into the wild, but for now, it's box time.


Baby Buns

Baby bunny sitting in the palm of my hand.

Turns out the bunny we rescued a month ago was pregnant. She did such a good job of hiding her kits from us big scary humans, but we eventually found them wondering around. Her maternal instincts were poor and we found them in a state of severe dehydration and mildly emaciated. With some formula and Pedialyte, they are on the up and up. They should be hopping around, causing mischief in no time.


Strong Bones

Possum Drinking Milk

With only a couple weeks left in our care, this possum is bulking up for his eventual release back into the wild. Milk is a great source of calcium and calories for a possum on the rise.


Squirrel Yawn

squirrel Yawn

This little squirrel is all tuckered out.
